Youtubers Life


¿Conoces a alguien a quien le pueda gustar este juego?


Youtubers Life es el videojuego definitivo de vlogger tycoon/life-sim. El objetivo principal de este título es convertirse en el mejor youtuber del mundo de la historia. Para conseguirlo, tendrás que editar vídeos, relacionarte con otros videobloggers e intentar que la fama no te desborde. Crea tu propio canal de vídeo online y sube vídeos para aumentar tu número de seguidores... ¡pero no pierdas de vista tus tareas diarias mientras no te desentiendes de tu vida social! Tendrás que lidiar con los fans, los amigos, la familia y la gestión del tiempo! Aumenta tu popularidad para poder mudarte a un nuevo lugar y gestionar tu propia empresa de red de creadores de contenidos de vídeo.

Youtubers Life Instrucciones de activación

Youtubers Life Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by Kuzya_Zeleniy [user]
23 de junio de 2022

Ehhh ... I remember playing a few years ago. At that time I was still a baby and did not know what to play, and when I found this game, itEhhh ... I remember playing a few years ago. At that time I was still a baby and did not know what to play, and when I found this game, it looked fantastic in my eyes. But I've grown up and I'm looking at the game differently.A good YouTuber simulator. But I still think the game is overrated. The game is interesting for only 1-2 hours. Then everything is round and nothing changes. And the game can be played simply by performing the same actions.

Review by CD-Action
5 de abril de 2017

An addictive but mindless and unfunny game that I could only recommend as a time killer on mobile devices, because playing it on a PC is a pure waste of time.

Review by Eurogamer Italy
3 de abril de 2017

Youtubers Life is a good managing game focused on a wired profession. All the mechanics are implemented with knowledge of the argument and the care for details is evident. It's a shame that, after a few hours, everything becomes a little bit boring. Only the most perseverant can aspire to become a real web star.

Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 18 de mayo de 2016
Editor U-Play online
Contenido calificado E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Modos de juego Multijugador, Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Vista de pájaro / Isométrica
Géneros Aventura, Indie, Simulador, Estrategia
Temas Caja de arena
Plataformas Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac