The Kings Crusade

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Las cabezas coronadas de Europa lanzan una nueva campaña militar para reconquistar Tierra Santa. Ha llegado el momento de que reúnas a tus ejércitos y recuperes la tierra como Ricardo Corazón de León. O asumir el papel del gran Saladino y defender a tu pueblo de la invasión que se avecina. Corazón de León: King's Crusade te da la oportunidad de hacer realidad los sueños del pasado.

The Kings Crusade Instrucciones de activación

The Kings Crusade Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by Bloodnes [user]
4 de noviembre de 2021

Не особо впечатлила, наверное из-за того, что играл в 2021, и тут дело даже не в графике. Даже если взять Тотал Вар, то эта игра ощутимо ейНе особо впечатлила, наверное из-за того, что играл в 2021, и тут дело даже не в графике. Даже если взять Тотал Вар, то эта игра ощутимо ей проигрывает

Review by caliphamid [user]
2 de julio de 2014

I really like playing strategy games, especially the historical ones. Among these, the king's crusade offers you a historical campaign mixedI really like playing strategy games, especially the historical ones. Among these, the king's crusade offers you a historical campaign mixed with deep strategical elements, awesome visuals and so much fun. I really enjoyed playing it while having fun of tactical deepness and experiencing historical atmosphere.

Review by Parvarteshwar [user]
23 de febrero de 2012

I looked over at the Critics Review and I honestly had to question if they and I were playing the same game. My consensus is that flashyI looked over at the Critics Review and I honestly had to question if they and I were playing the same game. My consensus is that flashy graphics automatically give you a 7 on most of these sites and the rest is just jelly on the burnt toast. The game is real time strategy with tactical unit based combat...basically Total War. Unfortunately it doesn't rip enough off Total War to be a good game, however because it fits so closely in their genre it will ceaselessly be compared to a vastly better game, even though Medieval 2 was their weakest title in the series. It adds RPG elements which allow you to customize your units King Arthur style but these don't really add anything to the game as you will only choose the attack or armour bonuses. Your units are unbalanced and cumbersome, their strength ranges from almost indestructible to absolutely worthless. The campaign missions become repetitive and disconnected, they are historically accurate...relatively, but the units seem to be more varied in fantasy. And some of these fantasy units are so overpowered that they throw any sense of balance out the portcullis. A lesson learned for Neocore games, people will tolerate unbalanced gameplay as long as it is based in realism, but when it's complete fantasy it ruins gameplay. The economy is non-existent, inventory is restrictive, and factions are uninteresting and offer token rewards. As a matter of fact factions are absent on the game map aside from the Saracens, so think of what little political intrigue there was in Medieval 2 and multiply it by 0.The selling point of this game is the graphics, which on medium to lower systems will look terrible anyways, besides a game should never try to sell itself based on graphics alone, that's why we have movies. If you're looking for more Total War experience in new and different settings there are literally hundreds of user made Mods out there. Instead of playing this game I would recommend you support the modding community and in the process enjoy a superior gaming experience.

Review by rwh1 [user]
8 de septiembre de 2011

I sumitted a review back on August 30th, but didn't set my score correctly. I meant to give it a 7. Overall I liked the game play but felt itI sumitted a review back on August 30th, but didn't set my score correctly. I meant to give it a 7. Overall I liked the game play but felt it deserved to lose some points because at higher graphics settings(med - high) the game frequently crashes at the end of battles before the user is given a chance to save their progress. Still, on the lower graphics settings, the battles and game play are fun and the game is mostly stable.

Review by Crazypillz [user]
31 de agosto de 2011

Despite its faults and technical difficulties, Kings' Crusade is a well made game that is a blast to play. There are other games on theDespite its faults and technical difficulties, Kings' Crusade is a well made game that is a blast to play. There are other games on the market with better graphics, although KC's graphics are still good. With settings on max, I can zoom all the way in to view my soldiers trudging through fields of grass and weeds, or the dust they kick up in the desert. Each soldier is well detailed and if you watch them fight close up it's fairly entertaining on its own. The soundtrack does its job well, being in the background and providing an overtone for the game as you play through. The music doesn't awe or inspire me but is still solid and well written in its own right.As far as combat goes, archers own the field, but they can be gimped with a click in the menus to balance the game much better. Tactics are still required to win and although the AI isn't perfect it's certainly on par with Total War (Some people may argue this point, but lets get serious, any AI can be manipulated).The game's unit upgrade and equipment allocation is surprisingly addictive, especially at later levels. I found myself excited about upgrading light cavalry to crusader knights among other unit upgrades, and equipping your favored units with better armor and arms gives you more attachment to a unit than you get in any Total War game. Units also level up, which lets you personalize units to your play style. Some skills are passive and thus hands off while others are active and hands on if you care to micromanage. Quests and factions can add a new layer to the game. Most quests involve picking a certain faction to help, which in turn causes other factions to disapprove of you. The happier you can make the factions, the more things you will unlock for each faction (additional skill points, heroes, new units, minor bonuses).Unlike Neocore's King Arthur, KC has no kingdom to manage, just side quests and army growth which I prefer. If I wanted to have to occupy a town with my whole army for 12 turns until the local populace calmed down enough to not want to rise against me, I'd play Total War. This game is addictive and fun even though battles can sometimes get repetitive.Some people on various forums have experienced technical difficulties, but since the only thing I've had trouble with is an occasional crash (which happens with most of my games from time to time) I won't really go into it.To summarize:Good graphics, or at least very passable.Good sound, or at least very passable.Addicting game play and army/hero management and upgrading, though battles can sometimes be repetitious.Quests and factions add a fun layer to the game.Some people have technical trouble.All in all, I would say this game is a 7-8. I am rating it a 10 to counteract the ignorant review from rwh1, who states the game is fun and the gives it a zero. This game is worth picking up if you have the money or it pops up on sale (which it does frequently on steam).

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 8 de octubre de 2010
Editor Paradox Interactive, NeoCore Games
Contenido calificado T (Teen)
Modos de juego Multijugador, Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Vista de pájaro / Isométrica
Géneros Juegos de rol (RPG), Estrategia, Estrategia en tiempo real (RTS)
Temas Histórico
Plataformas Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows)