Lost Judgment

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Agarra la verdad - Diciembre de 2021, tribunal de distrito de Tokio. Akihiro Ehara es acusado de haber manoseado a una mujer en un tren abarrotado. El vídeo de un transeúnte sobre su intento de huir del lugar y su posterior detención está en todas las noticias, y el clamor público exige una sentencia máxima. "Hace tres días se encontró un cadáver en un edificio abandonado de Yokohama. ¿Lo han identificado ya?", proclama mientras la confusión recorre la sala del tribunal. Su abogada defensora, Saori Shirosaki, no duda de que se han pasado por alto detalles cruciales de la situación, ya que Ehara ni siquiera fue juzgado por el asesinato. Se pone en contacto con el detective Takayuki Yagami para que investigue más a fondo. ¿Cómo pudo Ehara cometer dos crímenes a la vez? ¿La agresión sexual fue sólo una tapadera? ¿Ha engañado Ehara a todo el sistema de justicia? A medida que las víctimas salen a la luz y Yagami indaga en la verdad, se enfrenta a una pregunta: ¿Defender la ley o hacer justicia? Con un solo tropiezo, uno puede convertirse en un monstruo... HACIENDO JUSTICIA AL BORDE DE LA LEY - Pon a prueba las distintas formas de artes marciales de Yagami para llegar al fondo del caso. Aprovecha las posturas de la Grulla, el Tigre y la nueva Serpiente, un estilo elegante que puede desviar y devolver los golpes del oponente, utilizando su energía en su contra. TODOS TIENEN UNA HISTORIA -Emplea el arsenal de trucos detectivescos de Yagami con nuevos artilugios, rastreando sigilosamente a los sospechosos y con astutos métodos de infiltración. No dejes ninguna piedra sin remover en la búsqueda de la verdad mientras te encargas de casos tanto en Tokio como en Yokohama.

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Lost Judgment Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by ihearthawthats [user]
4 de mayo de 2022

Hours Played: 24 HoursTrophy Completion: 13/56 (20%)Worth My Time: Yes, at least mainline.Worth My Money: Yes, but do note it goes onHours Played: 24 HoursTrophy Completion: 13/56 (20%)Worth My Time: Yes, at least mainline.Worth My Money: Yes, but do note it goes on sale often.What I Like: Story is really captivating with never a dull moment. Much better pacing than the first game. Yagami is fleshing out to be pretty badass, but still not quite Kiryu levels. Gameplay, especially combat is also much better with more depth and variety. Some of the less interesting gameplay sections like tailing a target or taking spy shots are not as prevalent in the main line, which is better for me.What I Dislike: Some of the side characters aren't as well written in this game. Feels a bit too easy for me at times, with more handholding than previous games. For some reason, the world doesn't feel as vibrant. Eating for example is kinda pointless.How It Stacks Up: It's Yakuza all grown up. The first Judgment didn't quite resonate with me, but this one hit all the right notes. Offers a more mature setting than Like A Dragon, and also quicker to finish. It leaves little breathing room to do side quests, but that's how I like to play Yakuza games (mainline first, then all the open world stuff in Premium Adventure mode). For people new to Yakuza, personally I'd still recommend Like A Dragon, or even Yakuza 0 over this, unless you're really into detective stories.

Review by eri41205 [user]
4 de abril de 2022

Minus two points for console exclusiveness (Blame Johnnys for not letting Yagami on PC) & plot hole (Yagami using Sawa sensei's death as aMinus two points for console exclusiveness (Blame Johnnys for not letting Yagami on PC) & plot hole (Yagami using Sawa sensei's death as a shield against basically everything & everyone second half).Great side missions although I'm not a big fan of school life, the better Yakuza game(combat & mini games), however we won't get another one. Yagami is cool. Opening song is great.

Review by psbrann [user]
6 de marzo de 2022

Bad story, horrible controls, and even worse graphics make for a terrible experience. Save your money and buy LITERALLY anything else.

Review by MoniWhite [user]
7 de febrero de 2022

I've played all the Yakuza games and consider myself a fan, this one is not as good as the first Judgment or Like a Dragon, the story reallyI've played all the Yakuza games and consider myself a fan, this one is not as good as the first Judgment or Like a Dragon, the story really comes unglued in the middle and I like the idea of the long side stories in the school but they take forever and there are too many unvoiced dialoguesThe worst part is that the towns are stripped down versions of what they were in Judgement and Like a DragonI still don't like the English dub of the main character which is a shame because everyone else is pretty goodThe positives are that it looks pretty good and the story is strong for the first half, the side activities are a mixed bag

Review by IGN Adria
20 de enero de 2022

Lost Judgment represents the unexpected return of detective/brawler Yagami and company in an even more exciting adventure that brings everything we loved in the previous instalments, and much more. Peak old-school Yakuza-like experience for those who love the more active approach to this genre.

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 24 de septiembre de 2021
Editor Ryū Ga Gotoku Studios, Sega
Puntuación total 85%
Contenido calificado M (Mature)
Modos de juego Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Tercera persona
Géneros Aventura, Juegos de rol (RPG), Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
Temas Acción, Drama, Misterio
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S