Animal Friends Adventure

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O Super Panda regressou para uma nova e incrível aventura de rolagem lateral 2.5D. Desta vez, trouxe amigos. Junte-se a Super Panda e Amigos numa viagem selvagem e divertida pela floresta, cavernas subaquáticas, deserto, grutas, lava e muito mais! Incrível aventura com 8 personagens jogáveis.

Animal Friends Adventure Instrucciones de activación

Animal Friends Adventure Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by XBLA Fans
February 18, 2020

One person made this title. I can’t imagine the dedication it takes to complete a project by yourself. The ideas and design feel like they could be escalated with a good budget and a team of people. It’s a mixing pot of potential that seems to fail at almost every corner. Having something mimic a play-to-win structure without the actual option to pay real money is confusing. Not being able to feel comfortable with the movement was the biggest issue. I didn’t hate what I played, but I didn’t really like it either.

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]
January 24, 2020

Animal Friends Adventure is side view action game that you collecting things making starts 3 stars best 2 and 1 is worst, of course it's allAnimal Friends Adventure is side view action game that you collecting things making starts 3 stars best 2 and 1 is worst, of course it's all depends on your time gold collected etc. similar to many games of this genre. Game is more like for our little friends but the overlay bit confusing for kids and yet the game play is fun I would say. You can buy new characters which is animals in this one and all of them have different skills that you killing creatures on the levels so melee attack and the skill your animal friend got is all you have. Tons of different levels and new upgrades awaiting for you so be sure that collecting gold as much as possible! Fun for the whole family so if you’re looking for a family friendly game for your Xbox One look no further once you master the gameplay.

Review by TheGamer
January 16, 2020

Animal Friends Adventure feels like a title that needs to go back into development. It has the potential to be a reasonable retro-style platformer, but there are just too many errors in it right now for it to even hit average. In its current state, I literally cannot complete it. Not a good move for any game.

Review by GamerGuysNGals [user]
January 9, 2020

"Animal Friends Adventures"Reviewed By" Super Contra CarlPlatforms: PC and XBOXDeveloper :Folkvang Studios, LLCPublisher: Deverydoo"Animal Friends Adventures"Reviewed By" Super Contra CarlPlatforms: PC and XBOXDeveloper :Folkvang Studios, LLCPublisher: DeverydooRelease Date: 1/8/2020Price:15.99Animal Friends Adventures is an adorable mess. That is about to only way to really sum it up. It is so cute, and at times plays like a classic platforming game like Rayman or Donkey Kong Country, the next minute your floating around out in the clouds, or just stuck some where in the level. If you could hit start and go back to Main Menu that wouldn't be so bad but every time there is a issue your option of doing so goes away and you have to completely reboot your Xbox. Most time the XBOX dashboard button won't even work. This really let me down because I was actually super excited for this. I wanted to help the guy out as well, and show off a new Indie. I'm not saying I didn't have fun there is a lot of fun to be had with this little game. The characters and pets are adorable. The levels are really unique, and have a nice design to them. The music is really great, I couldn't wait to hear the next song on the next level. The levels are short and sweet, and the game actually has replay value. You would really want to go through and find all the hidden treasures, and stars to unlock all the cool characters and pets if the game worked. It just barely does.I don't want to be to hard on an Indie title , because we love indies here at Gamer Guys and Gals. We like helping a title get out there and get noticed. We hate when we have to bash a game, well some of us I should probably say. I feel really bad saying all these negative things, because in all honesty there is potential there. This game could very much be cleaned up , and be a quality release that people are talking about. This game could be fixed , and find it's way on the Switch and adored by many. The potential is really there to be a 7.5 or 8 out of 10 game. It's adorable, it's kind of weird in a Conker's Bad Fur day kind of way. It really reminds me of GEX on the 3DO at times. This is certainly a title I will come back to down the road, and report if it's been fixed or not, because I'd really love to invest some more time into it anyways. At this moment I just can't, it's to broken. Second to last level there are just points I can't get past it freezes, or just slings me into the water for an instant death.You can watch the video more if you want to see more, I'm not gonna sit here , and bash this teams project when the only real issue is it wasn't ready for launch in my opinion. The game is more positive than it is negative, but it doesn't sound like that when I keep having to point out issues. The positives slightly edge out the negatives, and that's why my score is kind of right in the middle. It's a new release, and these guys have been posting about working on it since launch so they are really trying to fix the issues, and that is all you can ask for after it's had this kind of debut. It definitely isn't the first title out the gates this Gen with issue like this. Modern releases have been plagued with issues on all platforms, and a lot of games have rebounded really well. It just comes down to what they do after, and this team seems to be putting in the work.With that being said though I can't recommend it. Unless your one of those people like myself that don't mind a game being a tad broken, and willing to wait for it to be perfect. It is fun I can say that with ease. I think it's fun for all ages, and I think if you love platforming games it really is a delightful title.I can see adults as well as kids enjoying their time with it once it's really ready. Right now though there is just better ways to spend your money when it comes to games like this. I'd recommend "Super Lucky Tales" or "Woodle Tree Adventures" but certainly take another look at this down the road.Pros:Really Unique level designsAdorable Characters and EnemiesOutstanding MusicCool looking bossesAwesome Platforming at timesCons:Bad ControlsGlitches GaloreUninspiring Boss battlesFeels like a mobile game at timesOverall: 5.5 I can honestly say i had a blast playing Animal Friends Adventures, but with all of it's issues I can't recommend it to anyone until it's ready. It still needs a lot of work. With the fun I had though I certainly can't wait to see this when it's ready, and what else they deliver in the future.

Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento May 2, 2019
Contenido calificado E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Modos de juego Un solo jugador
Géneros Aventura, Indie
Temas Acción
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One