Far Cry: Primal

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Les joueurs incarnent TAKKAR, un chasseur chevronné et le dernier membre survivant de son groupe de chasseurs. En arrivant sur la terre majestueuse et sauvage d'Oros, les joueurs poursuivront un seul objectif : survivre dans un monde où les humains sont la proie. Ils rencontreront un casting de personnages mémorables qui les aideront à repousser et à apprivoiser les dangers de la nature.

Les joueurs seront les premiers humains à apprivoiser la nature sauvage et à échapper à l'extinction. En chemin, ils devront chasser pour se nourrir, maîtriser le feu, repousser de féroces prédateurs, fabriquer des armes et des outils en partie à partir d'ossements de bêtes tuées, et affronter d'autres tribus pour conquérir Oros.

Far Cry: Primal Instrucciones de activación

Far Cry: Primal Opiniones y valoraciones

Review by DangerVl [user]
6 juin 2021

The game looks great even in 2021, but boring quests and the lack of a main story are very bad for this game. Well-designed nature, quiteThe game looks great even in 2021, but boring quests and the lack of a main story are very bad for this game. Well-designed nature, quite memorable characters, nice graphics and excellent performance. All this pales before you get bored of the game very quickly.

Review by marcelogedeonn [user]
2 décembre 2017

it was my first experience with far cry and it was pretty nice, the only bad point was the story, very superficial, the characters wasn't thatit was my first experience with far cry and it was pretty nice, the only bad point was the story, very superficial, the characters wasn't that good, at least all the others points are good.

Review by EdwardG [user]
30 octobre 2017

Far Cry Primal is an open world game set in 10,000 BCE. Because of it's unique prehistoric setting, I was hoping for an equally refreshingFar Cry Primal is an open world game set in 10,000 BCE. Because of it's unique prehistoric setting, I was hoping for an equally refreshing gameplay experience. In that regard, I was disappointed. That isn't to say it's a bad game - far from it - it's just that Far Cry Primal isn't otherwise anything special. This review is based on my playthrough on survivor mode with the expert difficulty level.THE GOOD- It looks amazing, with great graphics and varied environments. Cutscenes are gorgeous, textures are consistent, and nothing looks out of place. It also runs perfectly.- Visually and atmospherically, the setting is superb in execution. It lends itself well to a sense of exploration, which is especially prevalent at the start of the game when you are dropped into an unknown world to fend for yourself. Discovering the land of Oros was some of the most fun I had. It's such a diverse land full of animals and only sparsely populated with (usually hostile) humans. Everything looks, sounds and feels as it should.- Taming beasts is a very cool mechanic; having a sabretooth tiger by your side is always a good thing. I appreciated how the beasts each had different stats and abilities. Alongside other wildlife and fauna, the beasts added to the setting.- Moment to moment gameplay is fun and even exhilarating, at least to begin with. When you're still discovering everything Oros has to offer, and before you've seen the handful of mission archetypes repeated dozens of times, it's a great game. Combat is fun at first, but what you see is what you get, and it never develops into anything above mediocrity.- There are lots of difficulty settings, so the game can be tailored to your liking.- There are some genuinely interesting characters, and the two enemy tribes are also worthy of note for their differing cultures. These factors make the story worthwhile.THE BAD- It has it's fair share of bugs. I genuinely have no idea how a few of my tamed beasts died. Most recently, I was just walking around when my tiger just vanished. He can't have died in combat, because there was nothing near us and I was given no prompt to heal him. He just vanished and I couldn't summon him again. This wasn't a lone event, as similar things happened to a couple of my beasts that can only be obtained once, the best you can get, so this was extremely annoying. There were other bugs, such as when a mission didn't go to plan because the tall elk I was supposed to hunt didn't appear. I went into where it was supposed to spawn and it was just stood there. I killed it and it didn't even move. That was a very easy mission for me.- The AI can be appalling. There were plenty of instances where I could beat an enemy or beast to death without any resistance whatsoever. Enemies react slowly, and often just stand still and do nothing... this is all on the highest difficulty setting.- There's this one Izila enemy that kills you in one hit which is very frustrating. Some beasts can kill you in two hits so being surrounded by a pack of them is annoying too.- Tamed beasts are often unresponsive and don't do what you want.- Some of the animation is really clunky, such as that of tamed beasts when just walking around.- Character models are reused all the time. So many people look identical, which really impacts the suspension of disbelief.- Combat doesn't suit large groups at a time. The difficulty can feel artificial as it seems the game is just throwing too many enemies at you for you to deal with. It's never that hard, just monotonous having to deal with so many people.THE BORING- There is NO mission variety. It suffers from map mess, meaning there's always stuff to do everywhere, but everything follows the same structure. It gets very repetitive very quickly. There is no real content, only blatantly inflated game length via constant reuse of the same tired structures.- Quests are tediously formulaic, and have no story to them so I never knew why I was doing anything.- The combat is heavily restricted by a lack of weapons, enemy types, and repetitive enemy encounters.- There is quite a poor sense of progression. Weapon upgrades never feel that substantial.- Collectibles are utterly worthless and another example of blatantly inflated game length.- Although everywhere is beautiful and graphically impressive, there aren't many memorable locales because everywhere is filled with the same activities and structures (camps/bonfires/outposts).- Lots of the skills you can unlock are very dull, and just mildly improve an existing quality.CONCLUSIONIt's good, but not great. It drew me in with a beautiful setting, but let me down with shallow gameplay. It's fun most of the time, but it's really nothing special. You won't be missing out if you don't get it, but it's pretty easy to recommend as some mindless fun. I believe it deserves a 7, as I can't deny I had fun, which is what matters.

Review by singlungchan [user]
10 juin 2017

It's hard to say why this game doesn't work. I was interested in the beginning, but then the story feels super shallow and filled withIt's hard to say why this game doesn't work. I was interested in the beginning, but then the story feels super shallow and filled with cliches. The gameplay can be fun, - afterall the game has the latest far cry genes. The environment is beautiful as always. I think it all comes down to mission design. The missions have this feeling of mass produce. Like someone from the far cry team said - 'let's just throw in a lot of similar mission and call it a day as we have all the basics covered otherwise'. It's obvious - they just didn't made any effort nor had any real inspiration for this one.

Review by IanHimself [user]
15 mars 2017

Best single player game since Skyrim. Everything works, everything looks perfect, the story moves at a perfect pace, and all the missions flowBest single player game since Skyrim. Everything works, everything looks perfect, the story moves at a perfect pace, and all the missions flow together no matter the order. Perfect single player campaign.

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Información sobre el juego
Fecha de lanzamiento 23 février 2016
Editor Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Entertainment
Contenido calificado M (Mature)
Modos de juego Un solo jugador
Perspectivas de los jugadores Primera persona
Géneros Aventura, Tirador
Temas Acción, Supervivencia, Mundo abierto, Histórico
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia